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January: 12,480+ Hours of Medical School Explained in One EquationFeburary: (Coming Soon)

© Dr. Robin Ostermeier x Club Regeneration. All right reserved.

Dr. Robin Ostermeier

12,480+ Hours of Medical School Explained in One Equation

Words I like: Any biological organism possesses the inborn drive to regenerate and optimize function (aka become more intelligent).

Moment Of Regeneration: story time!!!
.... what I call the Repair-to-Injury discrepancy:

Health = Rate of Repair ÷ Rate of Injury

Simple terms: How healthy you are depends on how well your body repairs itself compared to how much injury it accumulates.When rate of repair > injury = Your body has more energy and resources than it needs to repair accumulated injuries. It can allocate this surplus to optimize function -> you get healthier over time.When rate of repair < injury = Your body has less energy and resources than it needs to repair accumulated injuries. This leads to compounding damage -> you become more dysfunctional over time.Why this matters: There are only two ways to improve your health:
1) Increase your Rate of Repair
2) Decrease your Rate of Injury
That's it.

Goal: Rebuild and maintain a positive discrepancy of your repair-to-injury ratio, for... well, as long as possible.Instead of immediately thinking “This won't work for me” ask yourself “How could I make this work for me?”

In my next email - I’m going to follow up on this concept by showing how you can get the most out of the effort you put in. This is especially relevant to those of you who want to be strategic about scaling your health.

As promised, health in under a minute.I hope this was valuable,

P.S.: The bigger the Repair-to-Injury discrepancy, the faster you regenerate.[insert link to picture of before and after of natures regeneration]

© Dr. Robin Ostermeier x Club Regeneration. All right reserved.

© Dr. Robin Ostermeier x Club Regeneration. All right reserved.

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